"First shots are among the very first plastic figures to come from the steel molds.
Typically they are characterized by their lack of dates on the legs and their sometimes unusual coloring."
The text above is taken from "the Archive" (www.toysrgus.com).
For more information about first shots click this link.
I have two white bespin guard first shots. See below for pictures and more information about my first one.
This FS got published on "the Archive" October the 15:th 2003. Here is the link.
I also got another first shot. For more info and pictures of that see here.
Front shot of the figure.
Back shot of the figure.
Front shot of the first shot and a production figure. The production figure is the one on the left holding the gun.
You can see that there is some differences in the paint sheme when comparing the two figures.
Back shot of the first shot and a production figure. You can see that the first shot doesn't have the dates on the left leg.
The production figure does have the dates.
Close-up of the dates and the first shots lack of dates.
This is a close-up shot of the feet. You can see that the first shots feet are painted with a yellow-greenish color.
The production figure doesn't have paint under the feet. I don't know why the paint is there though.
One last picture of the first shot.